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Vaccination is vital in protecting your pet from various diseases that cause pain, distress and can be fatal. Annual vaccination appointments also provide an opportunity for regular health checks for your pet. See prices below

dog and catVaccinations for cats and dogs usually consist of a primary course of 2 vaccinations to stimulate an immune response, followed by annual boosters as the initial immune response gradually fades over time.

For dogs, the first vaccinations can be given at 8 weeks with the 2nd vaccination given 2-4 weeks later. This course covers the core, distemper, parvovirus and canine infectious hepatitis.

We vaccinate routinely now with L4 (Leptospirosis vaccines). It has two extra serotypes (Lepto4) for extra protection outside the UK.


Following recommendations from the WSAVA, we now also advise a booster for the core vaccines at 16 weeks.

This is due to some puppies having a high level of antibodies from the mother which interferes with the vaccine response and does not drop until after 12 weeks. Although these puppies are in the minority, we cannot identify them and feel more secure in providing protection to all by giving the extra booster which will last until their first adult booster.

This is given at a small extra cost.

Puppies are still able to go out for socialisation by 12 weeks when the initial course is completed at ten weeks.

We also recommend vaccinating your dog against kennel cough which can be done at the same time as the other vaccinations.

If your dog travels abroad with you, they are likely to require a rabies vaccination for their Pet Passport-ask us for further information.

Cats can be vaccinated from 9 weeks of age, with a second vaccination 3-4 weeks later. Core cat vaccinations include feline herpesvirus and calicivirus (two agents responsible for cat flu) and feline panleukopaenia virus which causes feline infectious enteritis.

We also recommend vaccinating your cat against the feline leukaemia virus, a virus which suppresses the immune system and is potentially fatal.

It is important to keep your pet’s vaccinations up to date, as a delay in their booster allows for a decrease in immunity, and may mean that your pet needs to restart their primary vaccination course.

Puppy Package Vaccination Course : £100.00 inc VAT Includes

• Two injections from 8 weeks (covering the core diseases and Leptospirosis)
• A worm treatment
• A flea treatment
• Kennel cough vaccination
• 4 weeks free Petplan insurance
• Puppy behaviour book – Easy Peazy Puppy Squeezy
• Large breed growth monitoring
• 3 free health checks with a nurse in first 12 months.

Standard puppy vaccination course : £75.00 inc VAT Includes

• All of the above but no kennel cough
• Puppy behaviour book – Easy Peazy Puppy Squeezy

Kitten vaccination package : £72.00 Includes

• Full vaccination course (Flu/Enteritis/Leukaemia)
• A worm treatment
• A flea treatment
• 4 weeks free Petplan insurance
• 3 free health health checks with a nurse in first 12 months