Our Referral Surgeon
Ben Walton BVSc DSAS(Orth) MRCVSOur visiting Referral Surgeon is Ben Walton BVSc DSAS(Orth) MRCVS Veterinary Orthopaedic Surgeon
Ben Walton works as an orthopaedic referral surgeon performing a wide variety of advanced orthopaedic operations including hip and elbow replacements.
Since October 2009 he has offered a peripatetic referral service, bringing his advanced skills to patients across the North Wales coast and reducing the need for them to travel long distances to referral centres.
We understand that a lot of pets and their owners are more comfortable with treatment close to home where possible. To provide a base at Prospect House for this service we have made significant investment in our surgical, anaesthetic and radiographic facilities.
On his regular visits to us Ben provides consultations for complex orthopaedic cases and performs advanced fracture repairs and stifle surgeries. As well as patients from our own practice, Mr Walton sees cases from other veterinary practices in the area.
These surgical cases require close post operative supervision and ongoing regular medication. In conjunction with Vets Now all our hospitalised cases receive excellent 24 hour on site care.
There are still some orthopaedic cases requiring the specialist imaging and equipment that can only be provided by referral centres. In these situations Ben can see patients at his Movement Vets Referral Centre in Preston Brook, Cheshire. They are able to offer CT and MRI scans for patients and have theatres adapted for the most advanced orthopaedic operations.