Hattie is a very lovely Lurcher with a huge character. This describes, in words and pictures, her journey during the last 6 weeks since she had a very nasty accident whilst out with her owner.
Hattie decided to crawl under a wire fence accompanying a field where her owner keeps a horse, as she doesn’t like getting her paws dirty in the muddy gateway!
She then panicked and attempted to jump back over whilst wearing her winter coat, which was ultimately caught in the barbed wire. In her effort to free herself, she ripped the skin from the front of her right leg, exposing the main vein and muscle tissue.
Her owner had to carry her some distance back to the car, and brought her straight to the surgery.
Under a general anaesthetic, her wound was cleaned and partially closed, but due to the amount of skin loss, it was decided that it would need to be treated as an open wound, which would take 4-6 weeks of careful wound management using some modern wound dressings and materials, including medical grade Manuka honey dressings.
She’s been the perfect patient, and having lengthy dressing changes twice weekly, we have all grown to love her very much.
She has now reached a stage where the wound can be left undressed. We will miss her visits, but would prefer to only see her for social visits in the future:)
What a lovely, brave girl Hattie has been.
Our main challenge during her dressing changes has been stopping her wagging her tail too much!!
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